50 Posts to 30k 
This is a fun and SUPER info-packed behind-the-scenes look at how you can make 30k with just  50 posts - as long as those 50 posts make 50$/month each!!
Lena and I share REAL LIFE examples of our own posts - and talking about how you can replicate what we do! 

We will look at: 

  • a post that earns $50+/ month in tripwire sales (AND ad income!)
  • a post that earns $50+/month in printables (to a cold audience)
  • a post that earns $50+/month in affiliate sales
  • And we talk about WHY and HOW these posts generate this revenue and how you can use the same strategies we use to replicate what we do... and do it 50 times over. 

Steal our secrets for just $57! 

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  • Total payment
  • 1x50 posts to 30k$57

All prices in USD